Saturday 11 May 2013

Chia Sue Yi

Hello everyone,welcome to my Taylor's Graduate Capabilities (TGC) online Portfolio.
My name is Chia Sue Yi and you can just call me sue yi. I'm born on 11st December 1995 in Kuala Lumpur.

The enjoyable primary school I've been to was S.J.K(C)Desa Jaya (2002-2007).

The enjoyable secondary school I've been to was S.M.K Taman Ehsan.(2008-2012).

And now im studing life-learning journey in Taylor's University Lakeside Campus.(2013-?)

As my hobby, i like to drawing ,cooking, listen to music ,daydream and more and more...
I have been learn drawing class at YC music center, kepong in every Saturday and Sunday.
Moreover, I like to explorer some special ingredient recipe, it was very enjoyable and exciting when prepare the ingredient and go through the cooking process..However, I fell blissful went someone taste my dishes that i had cooked..By the way, I also like to learn baking from mum and share the yummy's cakes to my cousin, neighbour and friend as well.

Thursday 9 May 2013

Introduction of Natural and Built Environment

                Introduction of Natural and Built Environment

Welcome to Chia Sue Yi's Taylor Graduate Capabilities (TGC) Portfolio. The programme I'm taking is Foundation in Natural and Built Environment.

Foundation in Natural and Built Environment is under The School of Architecture, Building and Design. FNBE is a one year pre-university programme for high school graduates or O-level graduate who pursue a career in the built environment industry.

FNBE is a programme for student who wants to entry degree programme,such as Bachelor of Architecture,Bachelor in Quantity Surveying and Bachelor in Interior Design or more....

The School of Natural and Built Environments focuses on the unique relationships between the natural and built environments, and is a leading provider of education and research aimed at improving environmental and socio-economic sustainability.

FNBE's student will learn and be trained through excogitation by the creation of something in the mind and achieve complete understanding of it.
FNBE are required to learnt:

Semester 1 (21 weeks)

Elements of Natural and Built Environment ______________ (5 Credit Hours)
Introduction of the Construction Industry_______________ (5 Credit Hours)
Creative Thinking Skills ____________________________ (3 Credit Hours)
English 1 _______________________________________ (5 Credit Hours)
Malaysia Studies _________________________________ (3 Credit Hours)
Islamic Studies/Moral Studies _______________________ (3 Credit Hours)

Semester 2 (21 weeks)

Culture and Civilizations _____________________ (5 Credit Hours)
Design Visualization ________________________ (5 Credit Hours)
Social Psychology __________________________  (3 Credit Hours)
Introduction to Business or Mathematics _______  (3 Credit Hours)
Effective Public Communication _______________ (2 Credit Hours)
English 2 ________________________________   (5 Credit Hours)
National Language A/B ______________________ (3 Credit Hours)

Tuesday 7 May 2013

English 1

Assignment 1:  Writing Essay (compare and contrast about two traditional house )

Self Reflection :

discipline specific knowledge                  Life long learning

Going through the English writing assignment I have learned how to write and express myself, how to think for myself, and how to find the answers to the things that I don't know.

I had more understand my ability to write and express my ideas, thoughts and knowledge has grown stronger. I have always struggled to put my thoughts on paper in a manner that is coherent and correct according to assignments. Beside that, I learn to emphasis the exposure of  "organize your thoughts" or "provide more support and examples". Most importantly I have learned how important literature and language are.

Instead of writing a paper for my project in English 1,  I  had a great time and I learned so much more that we ever could have done from writing a paper. I had done some discover and research about compare and contrast of traditional house from library and online as well. The opportunity to do that showed me that there are so many ways that one can learn that are both fun and educational.


 English Oral Presentation ( The Famous Artists or Architect )


Self Reflection:

Communication Skills                          Life long Learning

Through this video recorded presentation, I realized the importance of practice and preparation to improve the presentation skills included voice, body language, content and organization of the speech.

On the other hand, I saw the relationship between practice and preparation, self-confidence and body language and realized that these aspects are essential to performing well in oral presentation. The most important thing that I learnt is 'documenting my own process' in different stages, learning difficulties and problems and how to solve them. This helps me to reflect on my own learning, to make decisions about possible improvements in the future.

Nevertheless, thank you to our English lecturer for giving us support to achieve an awareness of our own strengths, with the aim of making us to become effective oral presenters.


Moral Education



Moral Education may be defined as an endeavor to formally train or teach an individual or groups, or foster and develop skills in such person or persons in a certain subject and to form the basis for systematic study and application in that subject.

The important thing i had learn in the Moral education which is making distinctions between right and wrong and include principles, standards and habits of behavior applicable to these distinctions. However, learn to be willingness to think deeply about alternative positions and arguments, to be swayed by evidence and argument, to acknowledge our intellectual debts to others, and to judge others on the quality of their work and not their family background, skin color, or political affiliation.

In the end, the value of today’s return to ethics will rest on whether it serves to reveal important questions and possibilities that have otherwise been ignored or have gone unrecognized. On this score, it appears to have had some success, for it has made us more aware of how moral teaching and learning occur and has revived the perennial question of what the aims of moral education, and indeed of all education, should be.