Tuesday 7 May 2013

Moral Education



Moral Education may be defined as an endeavor to formally train or teach an individual or groups, or foster and develop skills in such person or persons in a certain subject and to form the basis for systematic study and application in that subject.

The important thing i had learn in the Moral education which is making distinctions between right and wrong and include principles, standards and habits of behavior applicable to these distinctions. However, learn to be willingness to think deeply about alternative positions and arguments, to be swayed by evidence and argument, to acknowledge our intellectual debts to others, and to judge others on the quality of their work and not their family background, skin color, or political affiliation.

In the end, the value of today’s return to ethics will rest on whether it serves to reveal important questions and possibilities that have otherwise been ignored or have gone unrecognized. On this score, it appears to have had some success, for it has made us more aware of how moral teaching and learning occur and has revived the perennial question of what the aims of moral education, and indeed of all education, should be.

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