Tuesday 7 May 2013

Creative Thinking skills (CTS)

Introduction of Creative Thinking Skills

Creative thinking it's mean making and communicating connection to ;
                                                   Think of many possibilities.
                        Think and experience in different ways by using different point or view.

                                              Think of new and unusual possibilities.

Activity 1: Mind mapping (6 thinking hats)
This is provide student by understanding skills and thinking skills through mind mapping or random association.


Project one:[Musical Performance by using Daily Object as musical instruments]
This is the first performance in my uni's life..The project been given in CTS first class in Design Studio. It was 9 group and consist by around 8 to 10 person per each group. We must use our own modified daily instrument as a musical instrument and perform to the public with the chosen song.

Self Reflection:
 Interpersonal Skills
In this project 1, I had learn to be confident to each group members by work together in group and thanks for my group member by contribute their time and spirit in every meeting hour and also practice moments...if don't, i think my performance will not be able to done successfully. Moreover, I had learn to be creative by produce sound using daily object and the plan on the stage,it was interesting!! Lastly, i would like to say 'THANK YOU' to my main lectures, which is Ms Norma and Ms Delliya...thanks for their kindly advice, so we can avoid a lot of mistake on the performance stage.


Ideal Journal is a Creative Thinking Skills assignment which is record observation and explore idea that may eventually show by using drawing and writing method to explain your idea .  Each student were required to summit 5 idea journal about their daily object.

This is my daily object, TOOTHBRUSH

 IDEA JOURNAL 1 : The daily object (getting to know your new friend)
Student have to create 2 or more mind map to understand our object and come up with a new name for our OBJECT and LOGO.

My Reflection :
 Thinking and Problem Solving Skills
In this first journal i have research about the characteristic of toothbrush, history of toothbrush, the top brand of toothbrush and although the toothbrush is tiny but it consist a amazing usage. Moreover, i had design a logo to my daily object and i name it as GRIN CARE which mean toothbrush as a protection of our teeth.


 IDEA JOURNAL 2 : Can and Can't 
 In this second journal is about 'what I CAN do to my daily object?' and 'what CANNOT do to my daily object?' ,

My Reflection :
 Thinking and Problem Solving Skills

In this idea journal 2, it is more about the creative thinking and brain storming as we have to think a lot logic and in-logic idea to my toothbrush. Then, I have do some research from online and also ask from my friend...it's make me crazy actually, but i had explored the many use of toothbrush which can utilize the idea to my daily life as well.


IDEA JOURNAL 3 : Using daily object to make analogy, metaphor, simile and personification.
And each adjective have to included 3 example (related to my toothbrush) and 1example (not related).

Self Reflection :
  Life long learning
 This idea journal I had learn to organize the sentences by using the keyword. For example:  as, a, like,and, or more.. Those of the keyword are very helpful by instill and grow up my English language skills. Beside that, I also had practiced the Fluency thinking skill, which is thinking many different idea through imagination and organize my idea in a systematic format with creative sentences.


IDEA JOURNAL 4 : My Daily Object is Super Hero
We have to imagine the hero's name, super power, costume and the enemy of our daily object by develop  the idea included explanation. For example: "why my daily object call Tooth Fighter?".

Self Reflection : 
 Thinking and Problem Solving Skills

When I imagine and presenting my idea, I learn to colour my superhero by instill the Superman concept using light and sharp colours such as, yellow and red. Moreover, by imagine my toothbrush enemy and costume, it help me to expand my creative idea and improve my drawing skills.


IDEA JOURNAL 5 : Design a Book Cover 
We are required to make our own book cover by adding design and decoration which relates to our daily object for the Final compilation folder.

Self Reflection :
 Interpersonal Skills

Before i designing the cover, i had done some research from internet to understand how was an actual book cover look like and the significant item should included on the front and back cover. For example, the author's name, publisher, code number and title. So from my research, I had plan my book cover design and sketch some of the idea. However, I was so enjoy through design and colour the cover page from the empty drawing paper to my significant and special book cover.


Project Two (Final Project -individual ) : Creating a Game of my Daily Object
Student were required to create a Game by prepare a booklet and video to understand your new game with instruction as well. Our new game should be interactive by include the cooperation for team work and improve social relationship.

Individual Component :
This is my A4 Booklet for my toothbrush game:

This is my video describes for Toothbrush Game, play it and Check it Out! 
Self Reflection:

Along the thinking idea process for my game, I had find out myself was lack in creative thinking skills by using only a toothbrush to create a new game. In this individual component, the main thing that I learnt from this which using FFOE technique and brainstorming , both of it was very helpful by grow up my creative skills to think many idea to solve the problem and make innovation by creating new game. On the other hand, it is also bring forth new idea of my toothbrush game and Blaze new trails!

Group Component :
This group video is to describe the instruction of  clothepeg's game :

This group documentary is to understand the process towards the finalization of our group game.

Self Reflection :

From the group component, I am responsible to design and create a costume for each of my group members, and finally I had design the costume by using auntie and uncle style. However, in the A4 documentary, I am responsible to create the game instruction of our game by using drawing and digital method. It was quite interesting to have this opportunity to be in role of responsibility within our group to finished the promote video and documentary. Moreover, I had learnt to be patient by understood each of my group member's idea and their opinion to make the game get more better and better.

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