Tuesday 7 May 2013

Introduction to the Construction Industry

Construction activity during the period was mainly brought about by economic development programmed in agriculture, infrastructure, rural development and the growth in capital expenditure on urban and rural housing.

The aim of this course is to increase employment and it establishes the infrastructure required for socioeconomic development while being a major contributor to overall economic growth.

Introduction to the Costruction Industry is a 5 credit hour module conducted over a period or 18 weeks. the modes of delivery are in the form of lectures, tutorials and self directed study:

Lecture/Tutorial: 4 hours per week
Self study: 7 hours per week

Project 1
Group C
Group Leader : Chan Pin Qi
Group Members : Yuan Khai Shien, Danar Jovian, Tan Wen Hao and myself ( Chia Sue Yi )

For this group project , we were asked to interview a professional from the construction industry and create a documentary video and magazine to show what we had learned.
Our group was asked to interview an architect and we finally were able to interview Mr Sharil .

Group Component :

Individual Component : Magazine

Self Reflection :

communication skills

The beginning to start this project, I was glad to had this opportunity ti have an interview and conversation with an architect, Mr. Sharil. By understand his achievement , the significant journey to become an architect ,and more.

Within this interview, I learnt the important of good communication with architect and the exposure of cooperation with my group members. Each of my group members have their own responsible for example: I was responsible to recorded the sound track along the conversation with an architect . However, some of my group members was responsible to took photo , asked question and wrote down the important point which given by the professional architect. In the other hand, the architect had also given us some invaluable advice and inspired us for our future learning process.

Digital Literacy
To form a magazine, I use to pretend as a graphic designer to make a 6 pages magazine by using the digital software, powerpoint to present my work and insert the exposure point given by the architect along the interview.
To form a group video, I learnt to editing video by insert the recorded video in the conversation with an Architect. Finally, my group and I had produce a video about the interesting's life of Architect and received the exposure advice, which I glad to share with all my friend.


Project 2 
Group C
Group Leader : CHIA SUE YI ( me )
Group Members : Tan Kai Sin, Lily Tan , Chloe Wong

Group Component :
For this project , I have to lead my group members and create a Project Brief for an imaginary construction project of our own choosing side around Taylor's Lake Side Campus.

Individual component :
We were required to create Company profile including name card, letter head and envelop. Moreover, we also require to prepare a propose of document in role of building and approval process.

Self Reflection :

I was an Architect along this building project, so i imagine myself  as a architect with the significant of role in building process. I learnt to prepare a proposal of government building approval. Apart from that,  I'm also responsible to sketch and draw the building plan and summit it to government agencies. From this imagination, I had find out the responsible of an Architect and understood the step of construction project especially the building process as well.

By design my Company profile including name card, letter head and envelop, I learnt to design and decorate by using photoshop and powerpoint to finished the construction of my company profile.

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