Saturday 2 November 2013

Culture and Civilizations

Introduction to Culture and Civilization
About the subject C&C that stands for Culture and Civilisation of the Western and the Eastern world, and this subject holds 5 credit hours.

Culture and Civilization
Culture is the mind of society. Civilization is the body.
In this subject, We will learn about the relationship between culture and civilization of the people that live in different countries- Western & Eastern.

What is Culture? ( what we are )

Culture is a set of traditional belief and values that are transmitted and shared in a given society.

The Element to form a Culture is

# customs

# rituals

# artifacts

# beliefs

# values.
 What is Civilization? (what we have )

Civilization is an advanced state of intellectual, cultural and material development in human society marked by progress in :

# arts and sciences

# extensive use of record keeping

# writing
# appearance complex political
# social institutions.

Project 1 : Back To Our Roots
The aim of this project is to explore to the genealogy of our family's history through research and analysis. We are require to develop information and study the changes of family living from past to present.

Group Component : Kimberley Ee and Me
# Info graphic  (Our Family Timeline & Family Tree)
# Video  (Interview and Research of Our Family History )

Individual Component :
# Booklet (Culture that my family practicing)

Info graphic

We planned to separate the timeline and family tree into two A3board. Both of the info graphic, we highlight the issues related to economy, geographical and achievement between my family and kim's family.

During this 10 minute video, we are getting to understand the human living from 2 different family tree, family history, tradition and culture. In the other hand, we research about our family's civilization and plan out the interesting moment that happen from time to time in nowadays family.

It is an A5 info graphic booklet to represent my family culture and tradition that my family practicing. In my booklet, I choose to focus on 'Feng Shui' in my house.

Self Reflection :
 Along this project, I enjoyed the moment that we work together as a team with the sole aim of accomplishing similar goals, which is getting A result for each component. I've understand the strength of Team work and Good communication between my group mates.

TGC logoBeside that, we work cooperatively and given different kind of opinion to the unity within a group and listen to each other family's history. I learnt the important lesson, which is Good teamwork is when you work with people that communicate well.

TGC logoIndividually, I find out the historical development of my family civilization. I'm so glad to understand more about my family culture and tradition and i think that every little thing is a witness of my family's history.

PROJECT 2 : Project Runway
The purpose of this project is to perform 10 minutes on stage based on the movie that we chosen and play the role of each main character. Beside that, every group member were require to produce A5 booklet to understand further about their character.

Group Member :
Kimberley Ee
Kelvin Ng
Edy Phung
Chua Jing Sheng
Chia Sue Yi

Group Component
Part 1- Student were required to analyse the specific timeline of the movie through internet, books, magazine and etc. We need to research and analyses their human civilization timeline from the aspect of culture, social strata, architecture. From their,we should select the important scene and plot from the timeline and convert it to our live performance.

Part 2- Each group member should be alert and study the character that we chosen in detail, research and have a good demonstrate in mind prepare a visual timeline.

Part 3-  Finalize our important scene and the element that are prominent in the timeline that we need to act out within 10 mins.

Video Performance:

Individual Component
Each student were required to produce one A5 size comprises of series of sketches, colored, complete with annotation and have a good design or theme of the journals packaging. This journals is to introduce our own character that we chosen and able to demonstrate good documentation.

Self Reflection :
Through out this project, I learnt about the historical development of human civilization based on the movie, TROY. Basically this movie recounts the legend of the legend of the Trojan war, as the fortress city is attracted by a Greek army led by Menelaus of Sparta and Agamemnon of Mycenae.

TGC logoFrom the research session, I was able to develop my understanding about my character, Priam. I trained my self to be alert during each tutorial session and understand what is the key to improve our performance. Beside, me and my group were trained to be prepared documentary during each tutorial presentation and I trained myself to be able to demonstrate good presentation skills.

TGC logoHowever, I learnt to have a good communication with my group mate by make sure we all were comfortable and interested in speaking up in the environment right way. And since we all are break into smaller units, me and my group were able have spark discussion about the movie through the use of quotes, visualization and role plays. Actually I expected each of my group members to be only responsible to their own task , but actually is not. This project were fully promote group discussion that begins with reviewing the detail of the experience and move toward critical thinking, problem solving and creating and action plan. Each of the step, we should work cooperatively and leaning to become good communicator.

Renaissance Art Work - 'Scream it Out'
Based on : The Scream - Van Gogh
Group member:
Chia Sue Yi
Kimberley Ee
Edy Wijaya
Kelvin Ng
Chua Jia Cheng

Self Reflection:
TGC logoI had learnt the historical of Renaissance Art including the painting press, a new system of astronomy and the discovery and exploration of new continents. The style of this painting (The Scream) sculpture and decorative arts identified with Renaissance emerged in Italy in the late 14th century. However, I felt that renaissance art sought to capture the experience of the individual and the beauty and mystery of the natural world.


FINAL PROJECT : Art + Architecture + Culture
The objective of this project is to introduce the Western and Eastern culture and civilization through archaeological discoveries, ancient monument, artworks, philosophy and achievement.

Individual Components:
Part 1: Compliment of literature review in A4. Students required to do a literature on places of interest of my site.

Part 2:  A coffee table booklet in A5 size. Students required to design a graphical expression in a concise graphical book. Each coffee table should included at least one theme which is food culture, pop culture or architecture.

Book cover and dusk jacket

 My theme for this project is to introduce Chinese Fishing Village, Selangor.  I’m so glad to visit my parent’s kampong and understand more about their kampong historical, architecture, social aspect of the kampong life style. 

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