Saturday 2 November 2013

Social Psycology

     Introduction to Psychology
Psychology is concerned with all aspects of behavior and with the thoughts, feelings and motivations underlying that behavior. It is both a thriving academic discipline and vital professional practice.


Psychology Journal 1

Psychology Journal 02

Self Reflection :
From both of this psychology journal assignment, I learnt about the important of collection of study, homework and test tips that help me get the most out of study time. Beside that, I learnt more about preparing from exam, taking notes, reading journal articles, writing papers and much more!

Research Report and Group Presentation

The task for part one is to conducting the research and from a research we have to create a hypothesis and the research method based on research method chapter. In the other hand, we were also need to execute the experiment, collect and analyse data.

Research Report

In project part 2, each group should conduct a group presentation, it may use creativity presentation as long as the presentation should be approximately 20- 25 minutes, excluding 5 minutes question and answer session.

PowerPoint Presentation :

Research Experiment - video link :


Picture        Picture

To get this project done, our group conduct a survey form and a video record to make our research experiment more interesting.  Our purpose of this experiment is find out the interracial relation between different race and their prefer race of life partner. Based on the survey, I learnt that it is a data collection tool used to gather information about individuals. I think survey are the commonly used in psychology research especially for this project, it help me to collect self-report data from study participants. However, I use the knowledge gained from respect people about their factual information of participants and collect their opinion of the survey takers.

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