Saturday 2 November 2013

English 2

Introduction To English 2 (Semester 2)

English 2 is a 5 credit hours subjects through out this semester and basically this subject is an advanced subject for English 1(Sem1). During this semester, students were required to complete three class assignments and one research assignment based on the knowledge of writing skills, APA referencing skills, communication skills and etc.


Assignment 1 : Narrative Essay- Describe a tools as your pet
Students were required to choose a daily object or tool from workplace desk or kitchen table. The chosen tool may be a cooking implement, a music instrument, a interesting item from our kitchen drawer or tool chest. Student should take time to explore the tool and write down the first reaction when we notice the tool and the 5 sences which is touch, smell, taste, hear and see. Every student should complete at least one and a half typed description about the tool and elaborate more about the visual details of the object.

Self Reflection:
This assignment was intended to demonstrate the ability to observe, analyze and synthesize information from the chosen daily object, Photo Frame. I get to know more about what is effective narrative essay and it's actually is an essays allow reader to visualize everything that's happening, in our mind. I think one way to make sure that this occurs is to use concrete, rather than abstract, details. However, I learnt to explain my object clearly and logically by tell story about a moment that means a lot to me and i think this is the easier way for me to tell the story in an interesting way.
In the other hand, I learn the tips to write an narrative essay which is 'Get Right to the action!' Our lecturer recommended us to avoid long introduction and lengthy description, especially at the beginning of out narrative. I think it's because she need us to make sure that our story should include point as what we learned from this experience. Beside that, I learnt to write and communicate the relevant idea in this essay by using all the five of senses to describe the setting, object, and the plot of story. Our lecturer also advice us, don't afraid to tell the story in our own voice as nobody wants to read a story that sounds like a textbook!

Assignment 2: Compare or Contrast Essay
The task for this project is compare or contrast any two types of English language movies, Romantic comedies or animated films.We need to look through materials published on this genre to gain a better understanding of what it is all about. We were also been through the step of brainstorming and working on pre-writing before we start to write an essay.In addition, the minimum word limit in the project is between 600-1000 words.

Self Reflection:

Through out this essay assignment, the intended outcomes for the assignment was to demonstrate the ability to contrast two animated movies which are Madagascar and Epic. I'm so glad to have an opportunity to understand more and write about my chosen film. However, I mostly spending all of the hours watching cartoons during my childhood.,but the best favorite film that attracted me is both of this comedy animated film.

In the other hand, I learnt the knowledge of contrasting essay which is to emphasize the differences. And it's help me use contrast thinking when organize patterns of essay. One is called block arrangement idea and the other is called point by point or alternating arrangement idea. Furthermore,I also have improved my reference writing skill and understand more about the use of reference while this project module. Basically, reference is the sysmbolic relationship that a linguistic expression expression has with the concrete object or abstraction it represents. After completing this module, I learnt to correct referencing, but not only my English essay, It's also help men on all my academic work to get the balance right between demonstrating research and using my own ideas.
In Class Debate
The task of this debate is:
Student are required to do research on the topic especially to look for the latest examples and see why these topics are controversial. Students are reminded to look at both sides of each issue so we will be able to do a more comprehensive explanation of the topic. The topic for our group is: Despite all adulation given to him by liberals, Chin Peng is more terrorist than a hero of Malaysian independence. My group acted as Government.

Group Members:
Chia Sue Yi
Kimberley Ee
Eelyne Cheong
Ayuni Nordin

Self Reflection:
Through out this debates in classroom, it provide me the opportunity to work in a collaborative and cooperative group setting by prepare the interesting script and informative research. By having group discuss and organize points of view for one side of an argument they are able to discover new information and put knowledge into action. Beside that, classroom debates help us learn through friendly competition, examine controversial topics and “strengthen skills in the areas of leadership, interpersonal influence, team building, group problem solving, and oral presentation.

Assignment 4: Research Assignment
The purpose of this assignment was to conduct a comparative analysis of businesses and study one trade or business in Penang or Klang Valley. Students should prepare their interview question and write a report on a type of trade and chosen businesses that involved in this trade to research and analyse in our report. However, the report should include the background information on our chosen business and submit a 2500-3000 words report. After prepared the report, each group should conduct a 10 minute length verbal presentation.
My group chose to focus on Traditional Penang tambun biscuit. The 3 Chinese pastry businesses that we interviewed for our report were Soon Seng,Tong Hoe Sheng and Wah Thai.

Group member: 
Chia Sue Yi
Kimberley Ee
Eelyne Cheong
Jason Yap Kar Juen
Teck Wei

Research Report:

Research Power Point -10 min presentation

Self Reflection

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