Saturday 2 November 2013

Introduction to Business

Introduction to Business

Introduction to business is a 3 credit hour subject. Through out this project, we learnt about the organization or economic system where goods and service are exchanged for one another or for money. Every business requires some form of investment and enough customers to whom its output can be sold on a consistent basis in order to make a profit.
Class Activity 1: Managing A Business

Students required to draw an organization chart of running a business in a company and 2 minute presentation to understand the flow of the organization. The business that my group was given is an organization chart of an university.

Self Reflection:

From this class activity, I learnt the uses of organization chart in a business and it actually to show people the intended structure of the organization. Form a formal organization, I learnt that it is supposed to reflect the power structure of the company.

Class Activity 2:  Business Performance

In this class performance, students have get to understand more the Big 5 Personalities- OCEAN. Which is Openness, Conscientiousness, Extroversion, Agreeableness and the last one is Neuroticism.

Self Reflection:

I had learnt the useful power of this big 5 personality and the important of the five personality factors represents a range between 2 extremes. However, the 2 personality that being testes d in this experiment were Agreeableness and Neutoticsm. In the real world, most people lie somewhere in between the two polar ends of each dimension. Furthermore, research has demonstrated that this grouping of characteristics tend to occur together in many people. For example, our group have presented all the individuals who are sociable tend to be talkative.However, these traits do not always occur together. We get to investigate personality, which is complex and varied and each person may display behavior across several of these dimension.

Project One :
Presentation On Environment or social issues created by Business

The aim of this project is to educate students on the importance of business ethics and social responsibility. The topic for our group presentation is Fast Food.
Group member :
          Chan Pin qi
          Kimberley Ee
          Khor Seem Leng
          Chia Sue Yi

The task of this project is every student required to select one environment or social issue and do research about the issue about. Beside that, student allow to use various information sources for the research and present the finding research within 10 minute presentation.

Video presentation:

Self Reflection:

     Our topic that we chose to this research assignment was "Fast Food and it's Effects on Society". Basically, all I know about fast food is the term given to food that is prepared and served very quickly. I think it's happen when the people all over the world are looking for a quick, easy meal to grab on the go,fast food is the common solution. With the efficient service, low prices and casual atmosphere to attract many people. In my opinion, although fast food make people convenience to get a meal, but it actually effect the healthy life of consumer in this society. For example, I totally agree fast food will lead consumer to diabetes, effect human liver and heard ,contributes to poor performance and obesity.


FINAL PROJECT:  Charity Drive!!
In this final project, each group were required to set up their own businesses and choose a charity drive organization. However, from all the profits that we earned must be donated and the goal for our project is to raise RM2000 and donate to MDBB, Malaysia Dog Deserve Better.
Group member:
          Kimberley Ee
          Edwin Ho
          Chan Zhuang Sheng
          Goh Jeng Jhieng
          Chia Sue Yi ( Me)
Stall Name: Mr Bean
Sell Item: Soya milk, grapes, cakes chips and girls accessories

Group Report:

Group Video :

Self Reflection :
To get this project done successfully, me and my group get to improve the efficiency of the finance function and our charity. We get to improve our group-team work by developing our new ideas and enhancing knowledge to gain a powerful toolkit to help our charity achieve the goals. Beside that, I had learnt from experiences from ordering food to the moment that we sell to people. I fell satisfied when our customer give us a thumb up and from the small action were actually encourage us to getting more effective when peer-to-peer learning. Beside that, I had learnt the strategies to engage and develop our small stall with other friends.



The important lesson that I had learn from this entire study of business class is Problem Solving and Decision Making are important skills for life. I believe that problem solving often involves decision-making, and it is very useful and important for management and leadership. However, I think there are processes and technique to improve decision making and the quality of decision. I strongly believe decision making is more natural to certain personality, so I learn to be more alert and focus on every lecture class and it may help me to improve the quality of decision.

In the other hand, I have learnt many thing about how to start an own business and how to operate a business by gain the knowledge of Business ethic, Leading people, Social Responsible and etc. Based on the marketing class, I learnt the most important key about to manage a business which is the 5's P of marketing course which covers people, place, price, product and promotion. Each of this key have been explain in detail by our lecture that enable me to understand and implement the marketing strategies into my future business.

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