Saturday 2 November 2013



Project 1 :
Exercise given as Calculate the Surface Area and Volume
Each group were required to build and construct a model of the given object and calculation of the total surface area and volume of the object.

Group member: Tan Chuu Yee
                           Tan Kai Sin
                           Wong Yun Shi and Me

2. Calculate total surface area of the object:

3. Calculate volume of the object

4. Construct the above object:

Individual task

This exercise required us to firm a group with four persons and complete the question above. First, we try to separate to do the question given. My group members known as Tan Chuu Yee, Tan Kai Sin, Wong Yun Shi and I. So, chuuyee and I draw all the surface area of the object to scale to build the model later. On the other hand, kaisin was calculate total surface area of the object. For the part of calculate the volume of the object, yunshi and chuuyee will complete it. I was responsible to plan the step to build the model using paper and took photo for it.  Finally, we construct the model together.

Mathematical theories
1) Area of circle (π × r2 )
2) Circumference of circle (2 × π × r)
3) Volume of cylinder (π × r2 h)
4) Area of segment (½ × r2 × θ )
Volume of triangular prism (Base area x Height)

Personal reflection

Along this project, I try to recall back all my mathematics formula that i learnt from secondary school as I already quite a long time I did't touch mathematics. However, I find out this question is quite hard compare to SPM question . And the special thing is, this is a small group project, I'm so glad to work with my group mates. This actually is my first time to solve one question with 3 person. 
Beside that,  I had learnt about how to calculate the area and volume of the object by using all those complicated formula. I feel that it was difficult when come to calculate. So, I try to solve the problem by using the mathematical theories above and finally I done it. Me and my group mates were so excited to solve all those question and we had learnt a lot especially construct the model and understand all the measurement by using the easy ways. 

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