Saturday 2 November 2013

Design And Visualization


Basically Design is use to visualize communication complex for Architects, designer, engineers and abstract information in ways that a project's stakeholders can understand. It also used to detect errors in their design, and make informed decisions throughout the design process.

Project 1 A : Sketch Like your life depends on it !
Every student (indv assignment) are required to sketch 8 piece drawing sketches with size A5 and each artwork have to be landscape.
Student were required to produce the following :
a) Body Part / Figure / Nature- Charcoal
b) Object Projection - Charcoal on white drawing paper
c) Detail - Pencil on white drawing paper
d) Geometric Projection - Art-line on white drawing paper
e) Tracing a picture - Artline on Tracing drawing
f) One point Perspective TUC - Artline on white drawing paper
g) Two point Perspective TUC - Pencil on white drawing paper
h) Artistic Impression
The main objective from this project is to stimulate our self creativity ,expression and visual awareness. In the other hand, it also an efficiency's ways to let us identify the fundamental element , principle and drawing technique. For example, hatching, sketching and painting by using water color.

body part



Geometric Projection

Tracing a building

One point perspective

Two point perspective

Artistic Impression

This project actually is my first project in semester 2, it was just like a basic art work that should included all basic drawing technique. For example, I learn to apply hatching, scribbling, stippling and etc. However, although it just 8 piece of simple artwork, but actually I was use to practice ,practice and practice to produce all this perfect artwork. And finally, I am so satisfied with my final product. In the same time, thank a lot for my lecturer by giving me all the kindly advice and teach me how to apply basic elements of design and drawing as a language to visualize and to communicate idea.




DESIGN JOURNAL 1- Point & Lines

DESIGN JOURNAL 2 - Shapes and Emphasis 

DESIGN JOURNAL 4 - Geometric pattern & Texture

DESIGN JOURNAL 5 - The Culture Motives artwork



Through out all the design journal, I had learnt all the design principle and design element. I believe the right combination of design element used according to design principle can effectively communicate my visual instructional message. In the other hand, I think learning about design elements and principles help me create and evaluate visual images for instruction.

Students were given a 10m x 10m site within Taylor's University to produce minimum 8 piece of A3 drawing block and each student should summit the followings:
a) 1 Location Plan + sketched perspective for Introduction
b) 2 Elevation + 1 Section
c) 2 Detail ( object & toy)
d) 1 floor plan
e) 1 Bubble diagram
f) 1 Axonometric Diagram

The aim of this project is to give student a chance to understand illustrate orthographic drawing and applying basic drawing convention. This project is also let us to demonstrate observation, measure technique visualization skills and produce a good presentation drawing.


Through out this project, the main thing that i have learned is to demonstrate observation skill by using simple sketching as a draft and I had go through the process of drawing ,design and successfully to apply good drawing presentation. However, during each tutorial or practical session, I am so glad to listen my lecturer instruction by teaching me the ways to improve drawing technique and visualize ideas that lead me to finish my final product.
In the other hand, as a group, I'm so appreciate for my group member and everyone of us are so excited during the procedure until the end of the summit date. We work as a good team and able to record all the detail measurement by taking picture,sketch up, record all the measurement effectively. So, it actually helped me to become more observant and detailed when we recording every measurement.



Introduction To Site Analysis

Part A
Student required to study the meaning of site investigation, case study and idea proposal of the project. Based on the site analysis, students should investigate the site and prepare a presentation report on the site used in Project 1B. Each group are required to present the investigated site analysis within 10 minute. In the other hand, each student are required to present their case study and idea proposal which related to Final Project: Toy display box presentation.

16 pieces of A3 artblock



From the site investigation, I learnt about the uses of  site analysis for a future architect.  It help us evaluates the work site for how effective it is at supporting the task. It looks at the users posture and positioning, task steps, tools, supporting structure and surrounding environment to determine how they affect task efficiency.

PART A : Design Process and Proposal

The aim of this project is to demonstrate observation and visualization skills in a variety ways. Beside that, students would use drawings to communication to express ideas.

The task of this project is every student need to imagine that they are a designer of the toy display box and we should understand our client request which is our lectures as the toy company.
Individual Component:
1) Maximum three A2 presentation boards
2) Photo Montage of the display box on site
3) A toy display model (1:1) maximum 30x30x30cm

1) Three A2 Presentation Board
Presentation Board 1

 Presentation Board 2

Presentation Board 3

2) Photo Montage

3) Toy Display Box

Through out this project presentation, I learn a lot about the detail to make a great and interesting presentation board and beautiful display box. In this final project, I get to learnt aboard about the uses of concept to improve idea in a creative ways. Based on the concept, I had created a interesting theme for my toy display box, which is Tinkerbell's personality, Rebellion.
Basically I had learnt about the uses of presentation which is it should combine an evocation theme, a visual development of my theme and verbal flourish in order to engage the viewer's imagination and awareness. I learnt the tips to make my presentation board more interesting by added SIMPLE. I believe that constraints lead to creativity of the layout of my board which determines how the viewer sees and comprehends the content and idea of my Rebellion theme.


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